台灣 (Taiwan) - 所有 Alexis Sonus 喇叭都在美國或台灣完成最後組裝測試
Email: 台灣老實說社團團長 (fabiolione@gmail.com) 或 美國 Parodielin (info@alexissonus.com - 台灣缺貨或沒有的花色) 主題: 想購買大洛帝 / BMR / 超級小洛帝
Parodielin 音響評導是我主要溝通平台. Alexis 音響世界收集過去很多文章
音響老實說社團部定期舉辦喇叭團購, 你可以跟在社團留言或跟版主聯絡. 老實說社團有很多社員都是 BMR 全系列喇叭用家, 你可以加入社團跟其他用加互動.
其他國家 (Other Countries)
Email: ken@philharmonicaudio.com
New Zealand, Sweden, Finland, England, Australia, Austria, Malaysia, UAE, India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Canada - We've been there. We are an international-friendly shipper.
Shipping Costs and Weight (including dimensional weight) Per Speaker for our product: BMR Monitor 39 lbs, BMR Tower 135 lbs, BMR HT Tower 75 lbs. We received favorable international shipping costs recently. From July 2023: One pair of BMR Monitors can be shipped anywhere at $150 and one pair of HT Towers can be shipped anywhere at $400. Thanks to our carriers!